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Ijumaa, 25 Septemba 2015

Babe Fights For Her Life After Her Head Swells Three Times Larger than Usual Size

Babe girl fights for her life after a medical condition swells her head three times larger than the normal size.  Dhabuhi Parmar, (14 months) from a remote village in Gujarat, western India, is battling a severe form of hydrocephalus. 
The rare condition leads to fluid accumulating inside the skull, and has seen Dhabuhi's head swell to 23 inches. Dhabi hi cannot sit or crawl due to the heavy weight in her head. Her parents are quite scared of her life.

Dhabuhi's parents Hitesh Parmar, 22, and mother Shakuntala, 21, make a living by working as labourers in fields. They only make a paltry £60 a month. They cannot afford treatment expenses. The required operation cost between £5'000 and £10'000.

Dhabuhi mother said  "The weight of her huge head is so much that she cannot even sit or crawl. She has to lie down all day and always looks up as she cannot turn her face. I do not know why God is punishing us. I was very happy when she was born but now, I do not want to see her like this. Watching her suffer like this is devastating."


Dhabuhi father said "We took her to a few government hospitals in and around our village but they told us they are incapable of treating her and that we should take her to a better-equipped hospital. But the treatment in better hospitals is beyond our capacity.
"So we borrowed money and gave her medicines that the local doctor had prescribed.
"But her head had not stopped growing.
"It was still getting bigger and bigger. Feeling helpless and dejected, we stopped taking her to the doctor two months ago and vowed to give her all the comforts as long as she is alive."

UK mirror 

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