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Jumanne, 5 Januari 2016

David Beckham Congratulates Zinadine Zidane on His Success

Real Madrid team authority for sometime now it wasn't satisfied with the team coach Rafael Benitez performance so on January 4 the authority decided to fire him and choose Zinadine Zidane to replace his position. When David Beckham heard the news, he congratulated Zinadine with their Throw Back Time (TBT) photo and a note.


"Does it get any better than this? A man that has been the best at a game we all love, taking over at a club that myself and many more people love... Someone with drive, passion and also doesn't accept failure on any level... Taking over from a manager that has huge experience and respect in the game...but taking on a position that he will relish..THE BEST PERSON FOR THE JOB @realmadrid"

Hakuna maoni:

Chapisha Maoni