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Jumanne, 12 Januari 2016

See Signs Indicating That Your Partiner is Lying

FBI agent has revelead signs which can help tell if a person is either lying or telling the truth. He explained that these signs are caused by nervousness and chemical reactions within the body so by observing body language, facial expression and verbal indicators then you can tell when the person is lying. FBI agent Mark Bourton said 

" was an FBI agent for 30 years and observed criminals' behaviour when they lied.
"I've also researched extensively about body language, facial expressions and verbal indicators of lying."
The signs are 
  • A chemical reaction causes people's face to itch when they lie. If they touch their nose or cheek or rub their finger under their nose, those are indicators. 
  • The mouth goes dry and you can see their reaction to that. 
  • Excess mucus is produced, so they will either cough several times or clear their throat a few times. 
  • They may chew on their lip. 
  • Their eyes may dart from left to right, back and forth. 
  • If they blink several times in a row, faster than the normal blink rate of once every ten or twelve seconds, they're most likely lying. 
Source: UK Mirror

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