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Jumanne, 15 Septemba 2015

Breastfeeding Could Protect Babies From Autism, Scientist Report.

Researchers found out that breast feeding can protect babies from autism. Autism is a mental disorder which happens since childhood were a child find it difficulty to communicate and forming a relationship.

The study published in the journal Proceedings of National Science Academy suggests that majority of children suffering from Autism were privately kept and segregated, therefore their health state would have been different if they were suckle.

Breast feeding contain love hormone, oxytocin, which promotes confidence, trust and reduces fear. Moreover breast feeding increases child immunity, IQ, and reduces the risk of infections, obesity and even cancer.

Therefore it's necessary for a mother to breastfeed her child especially in the early development which is day one up to six months.

Hakuna maoni:

Chapisha Maoni