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Ijumaa, 11 Septemba 2015

School Dress Codes Reinforce the Message that Women Bodies are Dangerous Says Laura Bates

This is an article written by Laura Bates, in her opinion school dress code reinforce women are dangerous instead of vice versa. She said as schools were about to open a head teacher wrote a statement on Facebook page to remind parents on school uniform, below is the statement:

"A statement from Tring School’s headteacher, Sue Collings, said: “We believe that students looking smart and professional is an important element of being a successful school. We also believe that, if students are consistently dressed in the correct uniform, it enables us to focus on teaching and learning. As such, we have a school uniform policy that has been in place for some time that is adhered to by the large majority of the students. The most contentious issue, though, is the style and length of the skirt worn by the girls.” It also stressed that parents and pupils had been warned in advance that uniform regulations would be tightened after a decision by school leadership in the summer."

On the other hand parents gave their comments under this statement expressing how they struggle to find appropriate uniforms for their children especially their daughters.

Majority of girls students are denied classes for either their skirt are too short or their arms and neck bones are uncovered. One parents said her daughter had to try three different skirts which weren't fitting her waist just to get the correct length of the skirt.

Moreover in  East Yorkshire some schools burned skirts on the grounds that it makes male teachers uncomfortable. Girls wearing skirts while climbing stairs or sitting down is a total distraction to male teachers.

However it seems in Canada and USA majority of schools are burning skirts and trousers on the ground that's are too tight or too revealing and thus make it very uncomfortable for male teachers.

If schools pull girls out of lessons and publicly shame them for exposing too much of their bodies, are they not preparing them for a sexist and unfair working world in which women are constantly judged and berated on their appearance, while men by comparison, get a free pass? 

Wouldn’t it be refreshing to see a school taking a stand against the idea that girls’ bodies are irresistibly dangerous and sexualised, instead of reinforcing it?

I do agree with her what do you guys think????

Hakuna maoni:

Chapisha Maoni