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Jumanne, 8 Septemba 2015

Shun Politicians Who Use Faith, Tribal Ploy, Urgues Magufuli

CHAMA Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) Union presidential candidate, Dr John Magufuli, has cautioned Tanzanians to reject politicians bent on dividing them along religious or tribal lines. “Tanzanians are one people and must shun anyone who preaches divisive politics,” he stressed when addressing campaign rallies yesterday in Mvomero (Morogoro) and Kilindi in Tanga. Dr Magufuli said if elected president, peace and unity would remain his key words, noting that they are the cornerstone of the country’s economic development.
The candidate was reacting to the Sunday’s remarks made by his opponent, Mr Edward Lowassa, who is vying through Chadema ticket. In his Sunday address, Mr Lowassa reportedly told an Evangelical Lutheran Church of Tanzania (ELCT) congregation in Tabora that it was now the turn for a Lutheran President.
Speaking at the congregation, the candidate, who is backed up by other three opposition parties - NCCR Mageuzi, Civic United Front (CUF) and National League for Democracy (NLD), said Lutherans have a reason to pray more, since the country has only had Catholic presidents among all the Christian presidents so far.
In a video clip that has done rounds in social media, Mr Lowassa said: “I request you to pray for me. You Lutherans have a reason to pray more because since the country attained its independence, it has never had a Christian president from the Lutheran Church.
“Mwalimu Nyerere was a Catholic, President Mkapa was a Catholic. I think even now, God is leading us to get a Lutheran President. I ask you to pray for me so much.” Meanwhile, the National Chairman of the CCM parents’ wing, WAZAZI, Mr Abdallah Bulembo, called on the National Electoral Commission (NEC) to take action against an opposition presidential candidate who has reportedly been trying to woo voters using his religious sect.
“This cannot be tolerated; the culprit must be taken to task immediately,” stressed Mr Bulembo, who is part of the ruling party’s campaign team. He also alerted international observers of the October 25 election to take note of the claims.
He was echoing former CCM Secretary General Yussuf Makamba, who claimed that the said opposition politician had run out of ideas and was now trying to divide Tanzanians along religious lines.
Addressing a campaign rally in Mvomero, Mr Makamba said the opposition candidate had failed to rise above his religious inclination and is; therefore, not what Tanzanians want for president. In another development, CCM Union presidential candidate, Dr Magufuli, has declared that he will make sure that he gives priority to industrial economy should he clinch the top post of the land.
Addressing a campaign rally in Handeni, the last in a series of meetings along the rough and bumpy road from Mvomero in Morogoro Region, Dr Magufuli reiterated plans to transform the economy.
“I’m glad the previous governments have laid a strong foundation, which should make my job easier in my quest to steer the country forward,’ he noted. He pledged to oversee industrialisation of the country as the ruling party’s election manifesto states, observing that with hard work and creativity, the country should be able to realise its middle-income economy goal.
He also vowed to transform one of the oldest districts in the country into a modern place by improving its road infrastructure.
Culled from Daily News

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Chapisha Maoni