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Alhamisi, 3 Septemba 2015

UKAWA Responds to Slaa Assertions

CO-CHAIRMAN of the coalition of four opposition parties (UKAWA) Mr James Mbatia reacted to allegations made on Tuesday by former Chama Cha Demokrasia na Maendeleo (Chadema) Secretary General, Dr Willibrod Slaa, and urged the public to disregard statements by some politicians bent on causing conflicts.
Dr Slaa had alleged that Chadema, which is among the parties forming the coalition, lost credibility and public trust by accepting former premier Edward Lowassa who has been implicated in various corrupt scandals thus he is not fit to run for the presidency.
Addressing reporters yesterday in Dar es Salaam Mr Mbatia said, that Tanzania belonged to all, thus politicians should not use that opportunity to convince the public not to vote for opposition political parties. He pointed out that each political party forming the coalition had picked its presidential aspirant even before Mr Lowassa joined the bloc.
“I beg my fellow Tanzanians not to allow a few people to divide this nation, everyone has to make sure Tanzania comes first then political parties will follow thereafter,” he said.
He noted that issues raised by Dr Slaa were insignificant thus should be ignored. “I have evidence that Dr Slaa was nominated by Chadema as the Union presidential candidate on July 8, this year.
It was during that time when we conducted several meetings to pick a candidate to vie under UKAWA,” he stated. Mr Mbatia revealed that it was Dr Slaa wanted the presidency and that is why he fell out with his fellow leaders and decided to relinquish his post.
He also noted that Dr Slaa’s allegation that religious leaders were bribed to support Mr Lowassa if entertained can plunge the nation into chaos.
“Dr Slaa for his ulterior motives decided to use religion to create public chaos, this is not right” he said, advising clerics to stand firm and ignore any person who wants to stir up any agenda aimed at seeking their support.
He also dismissed as baseless charges that the former premier pledged to defect with some influential ruling CCM cadres, insisting that those joining UKAWA were doing it on their own volition.
Daily News

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Chapisha Maoni