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Jumapili, 28 Februari 2016

Tips For Loosing Weight Healthily

Helo guys! How are you all doing? I miss you all, I know it has been two weeks now without our tips for losing weight healthily; I am very sorry for that. Anyways it's Sunday, and as usual am here to give you more tips, let's proceed.

First, watch your fat intake, each fat gram contains 9 calories so by reading the total calories on a food and knowing the quantity of fat, you can estimate the percent of fat, which should in no way exceed 30% of the food. 
Secondly, go easy on salt, as too much salt is one of the causes of obesity. Make it a point to really cut down on salt. Try to bring down your salt intake to half of what it was last year. 

Thirdly, change from table butter to cholesterol free butter. If you have a choice why not go for it, anyway it is healthier for you and tastes just the same. Bear in mind that these small changes can go a long way towards weight reduction. 

Fourthly, Instead of frying things try baking them without fat. Baking is by far a healthier method of preparing food than frying. Baking requires lesser oil or fat.

Lastly, use a non stick frying pan for your cooking so that you do not have to add oil. The golden rule is to try and avoid as much oil as possible and a non stick pan is the perfect solution to this problem.

That's it for today guys, I will see you all next Sunday, don't forget to give me your opinion about these tips on the comment section. I love you all, be kind to one another.


Hakuna maoni:

Chapisha Maoni