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Jumatatu, 21 Desemba 2015

Kenyan Muslims Shields Christians During an Islamic Sect Attack

A group of traveling passengers by bus from the capital Nairobi to Marenda were ambushed by Islamic gunmen and the Islamic passengers protected the Christians passengers by refusing to split into groups when they were asked to do so. This incident happened today morning, the Islamic gunmen asked all passengers to come down then ordered Muslims among them to return to the bus and Christians to remain on the ground.

The Islamic passengers refused to split from the group and asked the gunmen to either kill them all or let them all be and continue with their journey. The gunmen reportedly had no choice than to let them all go.

"The locals showed a sense of patriotism and belonging to each other, the militants decided to leave after the passengers show of unity." Said Mandera gorvernor Ali Roba as he was speaking to Kenya's private daily nation newspaper. Unfortunately two people died during the ambush.

Hakuna maoni:

Chapisha Maoni