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Jumatano, 29 Juni 2016

Few Household to be Selected as a Sample for HIV Test and Research

Few days back there has been information circulating in social media that HIV test will be conducted throughout all households in Tanzania. These information developed after Jambo Leo newspaper published a report on June 24, 2016  which said HIV test will be done throughout all household within Tanzania from September 2016.

National Bureau of Staticts (NBS) office gave a statement yesterday to clarify the false information circulating in the social media. The office said HIV test will not be done in all households rather few households will be picked as a sample for HIV test so as to accomplish indicators and consequences of HIV/AIDS research. The test shall began September 2016 and it's only the sample households selected to represent others shall be tested.

Moreover in NBS report also says the research shall include 16,000 households selected scientifically to represent all regions in Tanzania mainland and Zanzibar Island. The sample shall have not less than 40,000 adults and 8,000 children.

Furthermore in this research other tests such as CD4, hepatitis, efficiency of HIV drugs within the body will be done as well.

However NBS also said  this isn't the first time to conduct such a research in the country, rather it us the fourth time. The first similar research was done in 2003, followed by others in 2007 and 2011 respectively. Therefore people shouldn't be afraid because it's not something new in the country after all 90% of citizens selected to be a sample have been giving full cooperation and support.

Hakuna maoni:

Chapisha Maoni