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Ijumaa, 17 Juni 2016

Man Beats His Sister to Death Because He Didn't Want Her to Marry Her Boyfriend

Pakstani man beats his sister to death because he didn't want her to marry her boyfriend. Police said Anum Masih 19, was murdered by her brother Saqib Masih 21, on the evening of June 10. According to CNN report Saqib smashed his sister Anum's skull with a large wooden something which caused her death.

"She wanted to marry, we didn't agree on this wedding. We were arguing," Saqib told CNN from a police cell in the city of Sialkot. She was my sister. I didn't mean to kill her. I've been crying ever since. She was my sister."

However Yousuf Masih, the victim's father, said that he was against the marriage because the two families are related 

"They started arguing. He hit her with the stick, he has no intention to kill her,  the father told CNN. Things just got out of hand, he reacted in anger. In the end I guess it did become an issue of honor." 
He added that he filed the police report against his own son.

Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif vowed to tackle the problem of honor killings, but people have been criticizing saying that very few concrete steps have been taken. 

"There is no honor in honor killing, in fact there can be nothing more degrading than to engage in brutal murder and to refer to it as honor," he said in a press statement five months ago.
Victim's mother Sajilia Masih told CNN that she wasn't home when the murder took place but she wants her son to be released because he is still her son, after all he had no intention of killing his sister. 

"He had no intention to kill her. I guess what happened, happened. I want my son to be released, he is my child after all." she said.

Hakuna maoni:

Chapisha Maoni