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Jumatano, 27 Aprili 2016

Beyonce's Unauthorized Biographer Speaks about 'Lemonade' Controvesy

Beyonce's Unauthorised Biographer  J. Randy Taraborrelli was interviewed by on 25th April and he said, he doesn't think Beyonce's new album 'Lemonade' is about Jay Z's infidelity. Beyonce is more likely to have referred to her parents marriage and probably her previous relationship rather than her marriage to Jay Z.

Taraborrelli insisted that the album might have been inspired by the marriage of Mathew Knowles (Beyonce's father) and Tina Knowless (Beyonce's mother) prior to their divorce which happened 2011.  Mathew cheated on Tina during their marriage and Beyonce witnessed her parents relationship turning sour due to that. Moreover Beyonce had a relationship prior her fame with Lyndall Locke who also cheated on her. 

"Lyndall was with her for a third of her life, and he was very clear with [me] that she feels very strongly because of what she went through with him and what she has seen in her parents' marriage that she would not accept infidelity in a relationship,” Tarraborelli explained to the site. “But I think that she's also a very calculating career strategist who understands how to take full advantage of the popular narrative about her life, and the popular narrative about her life right now is that she and Jay Z are having marital problems.”

“I do know from my studying of Beyoncé [that] her personality is such that if in fact she was actually having marital problems, she would not be sitting down writing songs about it for the nation to dissect and interpret. That's not who she is,” the writer continued. “She's too private a person to handle her marital dysfunction for the world to see and examine. More likely what she's doing is she's 

possibly writing about her mother's marriage and what she witnessed there. That sounds like Beyoncé."

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Chapisha Maoni