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Jumanne, 22 Desemba 2015

Babe Born 12 Weeks Early So that Mother Could Start Chemotherapy Dies

Heidi Loughin (32) was diagnosed with breast cancer after she fell pregnant for her third child. The diagnosis was done in September, Heidi discovered a small rash on her breast and when she went to the hospital she was given the unfortunate news. The doctor gave her two options to either terminate the Pregnancy and start aggressive chemotherapy or start a less aggressive chemotherapy while she awaits to give birth. Heidi choose to keep her pregnancy and start less aggressive chemotherapy.

Her babe was born 12 weeks early by C section on December 11weighing 2lb 5oz and she was named  Ally Louise Smith. Although she was born health as she could even breath on her own, unfortunately on Saturday she passed on. Her mother wrote a poem in her blog sharing her sadness of the unfortunate incident.

"Yesterday afternoon our hearts broke in two. For we had to say goodbye to you.The pain in my body and heart and my soul feels it will consume me and leave me un-whole". She wrote. May her soul Rest In Peace.

Hakuna maoni:

Chapisha Maoni