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Jumanne, 29 Desemba 2015

Number of Female Science Student in Tanzania is Very Small

Chairlady of the board of University of Science and Technology (MUST) Mbeya, professor Penina Mlama, has said the number of female science student in the country is still minimal and disappointing. Prof. Penina said this in front of  MUST principal during a graduation ceremony held at the end of last week.

A total of 828 students, graduated with degree and master degree in Computer Engineering, mechanical engineering, architect, electricity and building construction ; on that day and only 155 of them were female.

Student Sarah Sambe who graduated that day in Degree of computer engineering, said a lot of female students are scared of studying science subject.

Prof. Penina urged teachers from the junior levels of education to encourage female students to study science subjects and the college has already guarantee 50% of the tuition fee loan to female student in need.

On the other hand Vice Principal of MUST, Professor Joseph Msambichaka said, they plan to start college of Education which is meant to train teachers on science subjects for the academic year 2016/2017.

Female students must be encouraged that they can study science subject, because one of the reasons behind their scare is the  opinion marked in their brain that they can't, something which is not true. He added.

Hakuna maoni:

Chapisha Maoni