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Jumanne, 27 Oktoba 2015

Tanzania Rulling Party CCM Regained Some Parliament Seats While Surrender Others to the Opposition Parties

General election in Tanzania took place on 25th October 2015 and the ruling party CCM has regained some of the parliament seats it had lost in 2010 while surrender others to the opposition parties CHADEMA, CUF and ACT Wazalendo. However the ruling party has also maintained some parliaments seats since 2010.

The ruling party has surrender several seats including Kigoma Urban constituency which has been won by ACT.  Zito Kabwe who was suspended by CHADEMA early this year  and he joined ACT is going back to the Parliament House after beating Dr Aman Walid of CCM.

Tarime rural constituency Mr John Heche of CHADEMA gained 47,249 votes beating Mr Ryoba Kangoye of CCM who gained 42,325.  Also Esther Bulaya of CHADEMA has beat a long time serving minister who has been in the Parliament House since in the first phase Mr Stephen Wasira of CCM.

Moreover in Serengeti constituency Marwa Ryoba of CHADEMA gained 40,059 votes beating the current deputy minister for health and social welfare Dr Steven Kebwe of CCM who got 39,232 votes. Also in Buyungu constituency Bilago Stephen of CHADEMA gained 23,041 votes beating the current minister in the President office- Investment and empowerment Engineer Christopher Chiza of CCM who got 22,934 votes.

Siha constituency Naghenjwa Livingstone of CHADEMA got 18,839 votes beating outgoing MP Anna Kilango of CCM who got 15,539 votes. Also in Tarime Urban constituency Esther Matiko of CHADEMA has won MP seat after gaining 20,017 votes against Mr Michael Kembaki of CCM who got 14,025 votes.

On the other hand CCM has been able to gain other seats which it had lost in 2010 election as well as maintain others. The seats which the party has maintained including George Simbachawene Kibakwe), Livingstone Lusinde (Mtera), Job Ndugai (Kongwa), Anthony Mavunde (Dodoma Urban), Omar Badwel (Bahi), Juma Nkamia (Chemba).
Others are Seleman Jaffo (Kisarawe), Sospeter Muhongo (Musoma Rural), Ridhiwani Kikwete (Chalinze), Sylvester Koka (Kibaha Urban), Adadi Rajabu (Muheza) and Jenista Mhagama (Peramiho). As we went to press late evening on Monday, not a single constituency in Dar es Salaam Region had been announced.
Nevertheless the party has regained other seats including Lindi constituency won by Hassan Kaunje 27,000 votes beating Sahim Barwany of CUF political party who got 18,843 votes. Musoma urban constituency, Mr Vedastus Mathayo of CCM has won beating the out going MP Mr Nyerere of CHADEMA.  General in Mara CCM has won 16 civic seats while CHADEMA won one seat and CUF one seat as well. 
Moreover in Ilelmela constituency, Ms Angelina Mabula of CCM has won 85,424 votes beating Ms Highness Kiwia of CHADEMA who won 61,769.
So far results for Dar Es Salaam city constituencies haven't been announced.

Hakuna maoni:

Chapisha Maoni