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Jumapili, 25 Oktoba 2015

Women Should Thank Men Who Slut Shamed Them in Public. Really?

Amy Molloy (31) said its wasn't the first time for a man to criticise what she was wearing but for the first time she thanked a man for it. As she was sitting at a table in courtyard North Sydney wearing tight pants with a top and a coat, a man approached her touched her shoulder and asked her to leave the area.
You better go,' he said, 'All the local drug dealers are perving on you. 'It's time you moved on,' he said, 'This is a bad area and they're all staring at you.' Then he delivered the winning punchline, 'What do you expect when you're wearing such tight pants?' 

Amy said for the first time she thanked him and gathered her things then left the area, in her opinion it's better for women to thank men who slut shamed (criticising a woman for her real or presumed sexual activity) them instead of over reacting and cause a scene instead.

Amber Rose conducted a slut walk in Los Angeles with flyers saying Strippers have feelings too and I do what I want with my sexy body; meaning that a woman should be allowed to dress how she wants or do anything with her body as she pleases. 

However Amy said in her opinion when a man criticise your dressing code is simply concerned therefore we should just say thank you and proceed with your business. Do you women agree with her????

Hakuna maoni:

Chapisha Maoni