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Jumanne, 17 Mei 2016

Singer Sinead O'Connor Returns Safe After Reported Missing

Singer Sinead O'Connor was found safe after Chicago police began the search for her. Sinead failed to return from an early morning bike she took on May 15 in the suburb of Wilmette. Police issued an alert of 'missing suicidal' after she took off in a motorised Raleigh brandy bicycle outfitted with pink basket.

According to TMZ, the  reason for the alert was because Sinead had been suicidal in the past and she also left a strange message for her son on Facebook on May 15 before taking the ride.

She wrote to her elder son "Jake kindly go to the court on Tuesday and take custody your brother from Tusls my lawyer will be making the illegal way yourself and Donald got him into Tusla (lying to the cops etc) known to the judge. Expect to be in trouble in fact you'd best bring a lawyer of your own. And do not abandon your brother or any other of my babies again. What you have done to your brother and your mother is LITERALLY criminal"

O'Connor also said in another message that she was heading down south for several weeks and implied she planned to protest North Carolina controversial bathroom laws. She also sent a note to her son Shane presumably the son she asked Jake to take custody of which read:

"Baby, I've been trying to get you out of care but Tusla are being monsters. I have to back off because they are hurting me so badly. I get unwell again if I go near them," she wrote. "The best thing I can do is advise you to get a solicitor of your own -- which you are now entitled to because you are 12 -- and bring a case of your own against Tusla, under the children's rights clauses of the constitution."

"You want to be with your mother and you're being prevented. Your mother is being bullied so badly by Tusla [that] she can't manage your release. Your lawyer will have to do it for you. If no one wants you to come to me, then insist on going to Jake. You deserve better than the way you're currently being looked after."

Hakuna maoni:

Chapisha Maoni