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Jumatano, 18 Mei 2016

Vanessa Mdee and Shilole Throw Shades at Each Other


 Vanesa Mdee and Shilole have been throwing shades at each other via their IG and Snapchat pages. I don't know the source of their fight, but seems Shilole attacked Vanessa first and Vanessa couldn't take it so she fired back

Shilole wrote on her IG page "Veee organise yourself very well, as for me, I said goodbye before leaving Igunga (Shilole's native home), I wasn't brought to town by Lorry, I came with National Torch race. You are from storey houses with your good English (rich family), I am a child of peasant, P**sy."

Vanessa fired back "you want me to give you publicity stunt so that you may be famous right? The fact that am always quiet doesn't mean you should continue thrashing me about. Sit the f**k down. I am not one of those you're fond of. P.s: you ain't worth of this post am going to take it down right now. #message sent."
Shilole fired back once again "your face is muscled like dessert sun!!!!!!

Hakuna maoni:

Chapisha Maoni