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Jumapili, 3 Julai 2016

Tips For Losing Weight Healthily

Helo TuPeB readers, how are you all doing? Well it's another Sunday another beautiful day for our tips for losing weight healthily. Let's proceed:

Firstly; do not carry your mobile phone around but leave it a place where you can hear it ringing. In this way you make sure that you at least get up and walk towards it. This might sound sill but I really mean it. You need a reason to keep yourself going.

Life today has become so easy that we have every thing at our fingertips. All we have to do is push a button there. The only things that get any exercise at all are our fingers. Years ago Charles Darwin put forward a theory of use and disuse.

According to this theory, a certain part of the body that is put to constant use develops a lot and a certain part of the body that has no use at all becomes smaller and smaller and gradually ceases to exist.  Therefore it's necessary to use every part of your body so as nothing ceases to exist.

Secondly; while travelling in an elevator instead of just standing there and staring stupidily at the numbers going up and down, try raising yourself onto your toes and then back on your feet again. Do this several times. Also try flexing your buttock muscles as well.

Thirdly; undress and stare at yourself in front of your mirror. If what you see displeases you, then you have all the more reason to work out. Try tucking in the extra fat in all those wide areas, this will give you an idea of which part you need to be working on.

Fourthly; if you have a banister rail or a balustrade that will support you, sit on it and pump your legs as if you are riding a bicycle, taking care not to fall off of course.

This might sound like another crazy idea and I don't want to urge with you about that, I just want to tell you that by doing such crazy things, you are in fact not missing a single chance to lose extra pounds. It is a way of keeping your mind alert all the time. Every thing must look like an opportunity to you.

Lastly; do not slouch in your chair but try to maintain an erect posture with your tummy tucked in. Slouching is a very bad habit. Not only is it bad for your back but it also gives you a very flabby figure. It is your way of saying yes to a comfortable, weight gaining pose.

Make it a point to always sit as erect as you can. It is also a terrific way to ward off back problems.

That's it for today guys, I have finally complete one hundred tips for losing weight. Therefore     from now I will be sharing personal experience on weight loss journey. If you want me to share
 yours here in my blog,  just send me your before and after photos, and all the details about body exercises and diet you have done throughout. Send to my mails or 

Have a wonderful Sunday 🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷

Hakuna maoni:

Chapisha Maoni