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Jumamosi, 24 Oktoba 2015

I Will Provide Free Education From Kindergarten Level to University Level Says Mr Edward Lowassa

Mr Edward Lowassa mentioned 16 things he will focus on once he is the president of Tanzania, in his 18 pages speech which was broadcasted live by different radio and Television stations in the country yester night. Among other things he promised to provide free education from kindergarten level to university level for all Tanzanian citizens. 

There will be no contributions for either food, or laboratory constructions from the parents of primary schools pupils and secondary school students.

Other things he promised to do include scraping nuisance taxes, increase teachers incentive, construct modern infrastructure, solve lack of water problems in urban and rural areas, construct railways, develop small scale industries, improve basic health systems, control the use of fuel guzzlers by government officials, rebuild Tanzania airways business and provide electricity to people in rural areas.

Mr Lowassa had also promise to do 13 things during his 100 days of being the president. Tanzanian election is set to happen on 25 October which is tomorrow. All citizens are encouraged to cast their votes and return to their homes afterwards  so that the election may go smoothly without ruining the peace the country has for over 50 years now.

Hakuna maoni:

Chapisha Maoni