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Jumatano, 21 Oktoba 2015

Woman Who Shared Pregnancy News After 17 Years of Searching in Critical Condition

Do u remember the story I shared it here of a woman who got pregnant after 17 years of trying, with 4 miscarriages and one still birth; and she gave the news to her husband by putting babe scan in the oven? Well the woman is now in critical condition after giving birth to premature babe at just 24 weeks.

Dana (41) from Dinwwidie Virginia is currently in critical condition after giving birth to premature babe at just 24 weeks which is six months.The couple shared the news on their Facebook page asking everyone for more prayers. Her husband Arkell (41) wrote:

"Today, our baby will have to be delivered, at 24 weeks and one day. As Dana is in critical care, her body has endured all it can take. We are believing God, it's always been in His Hands, so we hold on to Him. Please keep us in your prayers today and always. We apologise that we are unable to answer every call, text and message, but please know that we appreciate you. Help us thank Him in advance for the miracle that is about to happen. #DeliveryDay#KeepPraying."

Hakuna maoni:

Chapisha Maoni