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Alhamisi, 19 Novemba 2015

Dr Tulia Ackson Mwansasu Wins Deputy Speaker Post

Dr Tulia Ackson Mwansasu has won the deputy speaker post for Tanzania eleventh parliament after landing 250 votes which is equal to 71.2%.  She has been sworn in by the speaker therefore she is now the first deputy speaker who is a special MP since she was elected by Dr John Pombe as an MP. 

Dr Tulia was competing with Magret Sakaya from CUF who got 101 votes equal to 28.8%. However during the first session of candidates to express themselves on why they choose to run for the post; Dr Tulia couldn't answer her questions very well due to regular interruption from the MPS, to the extent that Speaker Job Ndugai decided to allow Dr Tulia to return to her seat without answering the questions. Two amongst the three questions asked were, 
When did you (Dr Tulia ) get your identity card as a member of CCM political party? 
How will you (Dr Tulia) serve in the deputy speaker post without being biased and favour your political party?



Hakuna maoni:

Chapisha Maoni