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Alhamisi, 26 Novemba 2015

Endless Miscarriages Cause Our Separation, One Night Stand Gave Us a Babe

Joanne (41) and Stuart (38) got married in 2010 and started working on their dream of having a family. Unfortunately nine months passed by without Success since Joanne couldn't conceive, so they decided to see a fertility doctor. The doctor told them everything was okey they should just relax and it will happen naturally. Fortunately for them Joanne was able to conceive in April 2012.

"I missed my period by a week so I did a test and I was pregnant. I thought I would explode with happiness and Stuart was over the moon when I told him,” Joanne recalls. An early scan at Birmingham Women’s Hospital showed she was nine weeks gone."
“I saw our baby on the screen, a fuzzy grey shape, with a teeny tiny heartbeat, and remember loving it immediately. We both did. I felt like I was floating on a cloud. We chatted about it constantly and imagined seeing our baby for the first time. We wondered what colour eyes and hair it would have. Would it be a boy or a girl?”
The couple went for a scan a month later and they were told their babe had died two weeks ago inside the womb. Joanne was devastated she blamed herself for killing their child, she kept wondering what did she do wrong that causes the babe death, was it exercise in the gym, food or certain drink.
The couple tried two more times and Joanne got misscarriage after few weeks of pregnancy. After the three loss of their pregnancies, everyone was stressed and so depressed and so they later decided to split up. Stuart moved out of their Birmingham home and Joanne remained so lonely and stressed more than ever. “It felt like my whole world had been destroyed,” she says.
One night Stuart passed by Joanne's home, they had a beer and ended up having sex which made Joanne conceive.
"We had a beer together, watched a film, had a laugh and began to feel close again. Then one thing led to another.” Having sex with Stuart that night was the last thing on my mind. We’d given up on having a baby together and we’d given up on us. But we were just making love for the sheer enjoyment of it.”
What happened next was totally ­unexpected. In the following weeks Joanne realised she had missed her period.
“I did a home pregnancy test just to rule it out and was brushing my teeth waiting for it to work when I spat the paste ­everywhere. There was a blue line. I was scared to tell Stuart in case he thought it was the worst thing for us but thankfully he was over the moon,” she says.
Joanne had to be under doctors observation during the whole pregnancy plus taking hormones to keep the babe in and avoid miscarriage. Right now the couple have a little girl named Poppy but they are still separate, however they plan to work everything out for the sake of their daughter. Joanne decided to share her story to encourage other women who are passing through the same thing as she did.
UK Mirror

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