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Jumanne, 17 Novemba 2015

MRI Scanner at Muhimbili Hospital Fails to Work Once Again

Hardly a week after MRI scanner machine was repaired at Muhimbili hospital, it has failed to work once again. However the patients were told not to worry as the government will provide support so as they can do the test in private hospitals.

MRI is a test that uses magnetic field and pulses of radio waves to make pictures of organs inside the body. It was out of service for two months forcing patients who need the testing for recovery to suffocate in the hospital without any relief. However Dr John Pombe Magufuli did make a surprised visit in the hospital and ordered the machine to be fixed within two weeks. It was fixed within one day but operated only for two days then broke down once again.

Muhimbili National Hospital Head of communication Mr Amniel Aligaesha said that the Philips company which conducted the repair have realised the kit dumped RF amplifier which transmits radio frequency is out of order and so they need to fix it. 

Mr Amniel promised that the tool will be purchased quickly from abroad so that the machine will be fixed as soon as possible. MRI is capable of testing 10 to 15 patients in a day and CT Scan can test up to 50 people per day. Both machines are currently not working. 

Hakuna maoni:

Chapisha Maoni