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Jumapili, 4 Oktoba 2015

UK Model Josie Cunningham, Got an Abortion for Nose Job

Josie Cunningham terminated her twelve weeks pregnancy so that she will be able to have a nose job. Pathetic!!! According to her nothing can stand between her and her carrier and meanwhile she needs a nose job so as she may make it to her modeling carrier and become a porn star as well. The shameless 25 years old model already has three children each with her own father, she was going to have her fourth child with another man and she got rid of the pregnancy.

The model has had £4'800 boob job and Botox job as well, but she still nose job is the one she needs to make it in her carrier.

“I’m having this nose job no matter what gets in my way.
“Pregnancy was a major obstacle and an abortion was the answer to it – so that’s what I did.
“Anyone who criticises me for putting my looks ahead of an unborn child has no right until they’re the ones putting food on the table for my kids.
"I don’t care what anyone thinks. My body, my decision.”
I put my life on hold for my other kids. But now is my chance to get the looks I need so I can have the ­career I always wanted.
"And I’ll love the money.”
The scan of the babe before the abortion

Josie said she never planned for the pregnancy it just happened when she got crazy in the bedroom, infact they used condom but it split, she was supposed to take the morning peel to prevent fertilization but she had a photo shoot with Glamour so she couldn't run into a pharmacy. 
When she realized she was pregnant she told the father and he was happy about it, however when she made the decision to abort it both of them went to the clinics together and after the abortion they decided to split and go separate ways for the better.
Josie with her third babe Grace whom she also wanted to abort at some point.

Josie also said when the doctor asked her why she wants abortion, she said because she was a single mom with three children and the relationship she was in didn't feel right. She didn't say the nose job reason because she still find it difficult to accept the abortion but deep down she felt it was the right thing to do. She tried calling different clinics to see if the surgeon will perform the nose job but whenever she told the surgeon she was pregnant, then the answer was we can't perform the operation it's too risky for the babe and some even said it will be better to do to it one year after giving birth. According to her,she can't wait that long, next year she will posing for important photo shoot for her Carrier instead of lying on the couch with nine months pregnancy.

She has completely lost it.

UK mirror

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Chapisha Maoni