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Ijumaa, 2 Oktoba 2015

Did the Oregen College Shooter Warn People Through 4chan

4chan is a website people use to express their anger instead of taking it out to someone, it seems like the shooter had warn people off before the shooting happened. Here is the conversation found in 4chan

Some of you guys are alright, Don’t go to school tomorrow if you are in the northwest. Happening thread will be posted tomorrow morning. So long space robots.” The unonymous user by the name OP posted in 4chan alingo.

Other unonymous users commented and seem like they were encouraging him.
“DO IT,” an anonymous commenter replied. Another commenter gave detailed advice: “I suggest you enter a classroom and tell people that you will take them as hostages. Make everyone get in one corner and then open fire.”
The “OP” responded with gratitude and announced that he would be live-messaging his actions again on Thursday morning. “Thanks fam,” he offered. In response to the detailed instructions, he said, “Thanks. Keep me in your prayers.”
However the Police Authority says its not possible to determine the real user of these anonymous names because many use fake names.
The 4chan has since taken down the conversation, it seems to be normal for the 4chan to delete older post.

Hakuna maoni:

Chapisha Maoni