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Jumapili, 24 Januari 2016

Loosing Weight is Very Much Possible, Don't Ever Give Up

Over weight has been a problem to many people now all over around the world, with some trying to loose weight and be healthier for sometime without any success. Guess What??? Don't ever give up just keep going, stay focused and determined and you will one day achieve your goal. Jenny Mcfeat (32) managed to loose seven stones of weight last year, and she is now enjoying the new year with a sexy body and gourgeous outfits too. Read her full story after the cut; please don't be lazy to read it all because it's inspiring.
"I never thought I could look so good," smiles Jenni. "Dressing up for big occasions like New Year used to be something I dreaded, but it’s fun now – and that’s all thanks to entering a competition."
As a child, although she was on the big side, she was happy with herself. It was only when she turned 17 and started training to be a dental nurse that she began to pile on the weight.
Our practice was above a chippy, so it was too easy to get takeaways from there," explains Jenni, 32, from Winsford, Cheshire. "It sounds crazy but patients used to bring us sweets and biscuits too, so there was always something unhealthy to snack on."

And things got worse when she fell pregnant with her first daughter Freya, now eight, in December 2007. She put on three stone and soon weighed 15 stone – too much for her 5’6” frame. Unable to shift the weight after Freya was born, she was soon pregnant with her second daughter Lillie, now six. But when her relationship with the girls’ father broke down in February 2011, her weight problems spiralled out of control. 

Jenni recalls, "I had no energy. I’d get up, get the kids to school, then take a bacon sandwich to work. At weekends, the girls would see their dad so I’d binge eat, scoffing takeaways."
Jenny saw a competition in December 2013, "I didn’t think much of it," says Jenni. "I’d never won anything in my life before, so I just thought, “what the hell”, and clicked on the link. All you had to do was enter your contact details and see if you got picked at random.
"I forgot all about it until a fortnight later. All of a sudden a Facebook message popped up from a   bloke called Anthony from the gym, saying I’d won! Part of me thought, “Oh no!”, but another side of me wondered if this could be the push I needed to get healthy."
She joined the competition and one month laiter the progress was so good that she decided to pay for the gym and proceed with exercises at her own cost. By 2015 New Year's Eve Jenny had lost enough weight to feel healthier, stronger and happy. She is finally enjoying playing with her daughters and gym has become part of her life.
UK Mirror

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