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Ijumaa, 22 Januari 2016

Pastor Caught Commiting Adultery With His Niece

Pastor of Evangelist Assemblies of God in Mgongoro village, Igunga district, Tabora region; Abel Godfrey was caught by his church followers Commiting adultery with the daughter of his brother (his niece). Pastor Godfrey was having sex with Magreth Emanuel (20) when his church followers and village authorities caught him right-handed on the day before yesterday around 11.30pm.
Magreth Emmanuel who has a 4 months old babe explained to the church followers and village authorities that Her Ancle has been forcing her to have sex with him. "My Ancle forced me to have sex with him, he even threaten to pray to God so that I will run mad incase I refuse him."

Also Magreth's grandfather Bictoni Kyarero said that pastor Godfrey has been sleeping with his niece for almost a year now, but he can no longer tolerate it and that's why he took the step of informing his church followers and the village authorities.

After pastor Godfrey was caught he tried to escape but he failed; then he started pleading with people to set him free and have faith in him, since it was just the work of the devil. However the village leaders gave him fine penalty of 20,000Tsh and  he was set free afterwards.

Moreover Pastor Fanuel Daniel of Mwanzugi village confirmed the incident and said church leadership have suspended pastor Godfrey for now until further notice.

Hakuna maoni:

Chapisha Maoni