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Ijumaa, 15 Januari 2016

Mother Writes a Heartfelt Letter to Airstaff Who Helped Her Autistic Son

A mother shared a heartfelt letter to the airline Jetstar for the understanding and care shown by its staff after her autistic son became too frightened to fly. Shelley Baudoux was trying to fly from Melbourne Airport to see her father in Launceston, Tasmania, but her 10 year old son Corey, became too scared to board the flight, which had to depart without them.

Baudoux, who was also travelling with her nine-year-old daughter, was eventually forced to abandon the trip after Corey refused to board the next departure. Jetstar's staff showed such compassion during the ordeal - the pilot even came out to talk to Corey - that she posted a thank you note to its Facebook page which has been shared over 1,600 times and liked 28,000 times. See her letter below
Culled from Daily Mail

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