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Jumapili, 24 Januari 2016

Tips For Loosing Weight Healthly

Hi guys! I miss you all! As usual it's Sunday and here are the new five tips for loosing weight healthly. Now let's proceed: first, count the calories as you eat. It's a good idea to have an idea of the calories that most food items have. If it is a packed thing then the label is sure to have the calories that the substance has.

Secondly, be sure to burn out those extra calories by the end of the week. If you feel that you have consumed more calories than you should have during the week, it happens you know, and then make sure that you work off those extra calories by the end of the week.

Thirdly, stay away from fried things. Fried things are absolute no- no. The more fried things that you avoid, the lesser weight you will gain. Fried things are called so because they are fried in oil or fat, even if the external oil is drained away, there is still a lot of hidden oil in it so stay away from it.

Fourthly, do not skip meals. The worst thing you can do while watching your diet is skip a meal. It has just the opposite effect of what you want. You need to have at least four regular meals everyday.

Lastly, fresh vegetables are better than cooked or canned vegetables. Try to eat your vegetables raw. When you cook them, you are in fact taking away nearly half the vitamins in them. Also canned vegetables too are processed and are not nearly half as good as fresh vegetables. When you buy your vegetables it would be a good thing to see if the label says that it is pesticide free.

That's it for today's guys don't forget to tell me your opinion about these tips on the comment section. I will see you next Sunday. Have a good evening!!!


Hakuna maoni:

Chapisha Maoni